A Master In Patent Law And IP Monetization

Craige Thompson brings a wealth of knowledge in patent law and IP strategy, ensuring your attendees leave with the tools to protect and monetize their innovations effectively. His proven track record and innovative methods will inspire confidence and drive significant ROI for your audience, making him an invaluable addition to your event.

Craige Thompson

With a track record of obtaining more than 1,000 patents for clients worldwide over the last decade, Craige has proven his expertise in patent law. His current mission is to guide 100 innovators to generate $1 billion in after-tax income from their IP by 2030.
Craige Thompson, the founder of Thompson Patent Law, excels as a patent attorney with expertise in IP strategy and monetization, guiding tech-centric business leaders through the complexities of securing and profiting from their innovations. Equipped with an extensive background in electrical engineering and law, he has significantly contributed to the success of leading firms by securing thousands of patents around the world and innovating numerous game-changing patent protection strategies, including the Point of Novelty(™) method. Craige caters to an audience of business builders who strive to maximize ROI and achieve substantial 7- and 8-figure financial results.
Craige is on a mission to help 100 innovators make $1 billion in after-tax income from their IP by 2030.


“They have a process that is well-defined and even easy to understand. Go get Craige Thompson’s book before you speak to any attorney. The entire team provides great service, and they take the time to understand my vision so they can take ownership of all the legal stuff.”
— Mike Wozniak, Floqque Founder
“Thompson Patent Law did a tremendous job! They helped me get a US patent, and after that, they helped me get an Israeli patent. They recommended a very good company in Israel, and now I’m completely thankful!”
— Alexander Soloviev, Professor At Nova Southeastern University Halmos
“If you have an idea that is innovative, you better get the protections in place. You guided me in that. It’s so simple, the way you’re really orchestrating the process. I didn’t have that much experience, but I feel throughout this entire trip that we’ve been on, I’ve gained so much experience from it that I can help guide others to you.”
— Steve Graybill, Founder And CEO At MÜLIBEX

Speaking Topic

From Idea To Impact: How To Protect And Monetize Your Innovations

Many tech entrepreneurs struggle with the complexities of protecting and monetizing their innovations, often unsure of where to start or how to proceed. In this talk, Craige Thompson demystifies the patent process through his 7-Step Strategic Patent Assessment, guiding innovators to identify and articulate their ideas’ Point of Novelty (PON)—a critical factor in determining patentability. Attendees will gain insights into aligning their PON with a Commercially Valuable Chokepoint, ensuring that their patent pursuits are not only legally sound but also strategically advantageous. Craige’s expert advice will help innovators discern when to advance with patenting and when it might be more prudent to hold back, ultimately empowering them to make informed decisions that maximize their innovations’ market impact.

Ready To Find Out More About Booking Craige Thompson?

Connect with him below:

(512) 649-1046

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