Michele Williams
Chief Visionary Of COBA US, Executive Director For The Fuller Center For Housing Of Delaware

About Michele
Also known as “Dr. Tiny,” Michele Williams is the Chief Visionary of COBA US, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to Connect, Organize, Build, and Advance healthy community and small-scale development. She is also the Executive Director for The Fuller Center of Housing in Delaware. She has a Doctorate in Public Policy, 14 years of experience as a real estate investor, and over 30 years of strategic development as an Air Force Medical Officer. She helps decision-makers, elected officials, and housing advocates develop and implement solutions for people that work and have an income, but are unable to find an affordable place to live near their workplaces, schools, and neighborhood play areas.
Michele is on a mission to impact all 3,100 counties in the U.S. through legislation and policies to make tiny homes legal and increase the housing stock that is affordable by 2031.
Speaking Topics
Your Path To Affordable Housing Solutions
Many Americans live in poverty, amounting to nearly 34 million people, or 10.5% of the U.S. population. As a result, they struggle to afford necessities such as housing. For more than a decade, the nation has not made any real progress in reducing the number of Americans at risk of homelessness. In 2019, 37.1 million households were “housing cost burdened,” spending 30% or more of their income on housing. This represented 30.2% of all households nationwide. One in 7 households — 17.6 million in total — were “severely cost burdened,” spending half or more of their income on housing. And COVID only made housing insecurity and homelessness worse.
In her talk, Michele helps audience members understand affordable housing issues and how it affects economic stability and security. They will learn an overview of housing policy, programs, and institutional arrangements. She will outline the opportunity it provides for one’s business in small-scale development and why it does good for the community.
Organize, Build, And Sustain Healthy Community Development Through Affordable Housing
This topic is for small business real estate investors (rehabbers, wholesalers) who want to use small-scale development to increase affordable housing as a strategy to increase their profits while helping their community. Investors will be able to identify how they can niche their businesses by thinking differently and holistically about real estate and ROI.

Small-Scale Development To Create Large-Scale Solutions
Michele’s mission is to connect, organize, build, and advance collaborative and innovative partnerships with individuals and organizations in an unrelenting quest to provide adequate and affordable shelter for all people in need, all along the process to house working people in need.
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(302) 344-0658
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