An Advocate For Women's Financial Success

Michelle Quay’s experience and innovative methods have helped countless women transform their financial lives. Attendees will benefit from her expert guidance, learning to navigate financial challenges with confidence and build a prosperous future.

Michelle R Quay

For over 22 years, Michelle has empowered thousands of women to secure their financial futures. Now, she’s committed to helping 1,000,000 newly single or divorced women achieve the lives they aspire to by 2035.
With over 22 years of experience, Michelle Quay has empowered thousands of women to achieve financial stability by transforming their relationship with money. As the CEO of Aventurine Wealth Management Inc., Michelle specializes in helping women overcome fear, overwhelm, and indecision to successfully manage their finances. Through her approach, she teaches them to build a healthy and enjoyable relationship with money, leading to wealth creation and financial freedom. Under Michelle’s guidance, her clients find themselves on track for financial independence and stability and realize dreams like buying their own homes, traveling without guilt, and saving effortlessly for the future.
Michelle is on a mission to help 1,000,000 newly single or divorced women live the lives they desire by 2035.


“It’s always nice to read your take on business, manufacturing, management, and self-improvement. You have lots of good advice and words of wisdom!”
— E. Higgins, CIRAS Automation Project Manager
“I value the years we worked together, and learned a lot from you.”
— J. Kaiser, Director Of Supply Chain

Speaking Topic

3 Ways To Achieve Financial Freedom Without Giving Up Your Daily Starbucks

Many women aspire to financial success and stability but often find themselves paralyzed by fear and overwhelmed when attempting to create a financial plan. This talk reveals three practical strategies to achieve financial freedom without sacrificing the little joys like their daily Starbucks. Attendees will gain insights into cultivating a healthy relationship with money and embark on the path to financial independence they have always dreamed of.

Ready To Find Out More About Booking Michelle R Quay?

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(770) 924-5440

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